I wish the tide would take me over. I'm feeling lost. I got my glass work back today. featured is my sandblasted goldfish. I'll take proper photo's and put them up soon.
CH ch changes... Notice the difference? any sparkly additions? I've been so tired of late. Nothing seems more welcoming then sheets and pillows. Bad drawing day Tuesday. Good glass studio today. Dreads tomorrow (a.k.a longest day ever) Meet you on the bright side of Friday.
The most intense drawing class ever. I hereby pronounce pumpkins and material, the hardest still life to draw. Goodness, it took it out of me. Though i was already in pain before i started (soccer match the night before). And for those of you that don't know, drawing takes muscles and will power. At least the four hour straight classes i attend do. I overcame, and am so pleased i'm improving :) Thought I'd share my hard labours with you.
Recent smudgings from class. The darker ones are drawn with a rubber to explore tone. I've never used so much charcoal in my life... buying more will send me broke. I believe my lungs will now have a thin lining of charcoal.
Train trip with Fitzgerald. Seaside travels. Red rayburns. River tea house, covered in vines. waterfalls and the downward road. Forever trekking into the rainforest. Boots and not finding lemonade creek. Coconut gelati. The lighthouse. talking, not wanting to move. chinese, late night drives and banana lollies. thank you
Dreaming of home. I'm so excited I get to visit my favourite places tomorrow. It'll be strange coming home after a month. All the trees will be different. I've forgotten how rain water tastes and the sound of crickets and cicadas at night. Until tomorrow, until then.